27 September 2009

Rencana dan realisasi part II

Rencana : celana item satu buah
Realisasi : celana jins, kaos tangan panjang, kerudung paris warna abu dan coklat, dan 2 benda lain

pertanyaan : dimanakah si celana hitam? hehe..ga nemu..
saran : jangan tiap minggu ke gasibu..gasibu penuh dengan godaan..

Biar inget..

Aku tahu bahwa Engkau selalu menjawab doaku
Engkau senantiasa menunjukkan jalan Mu
Namun kadang aku tak melihat atau tak mau melihat
Jika jawaban doaku tidak sesuai keinginanku,
Aku selalu berpaling dan merasa bahwa doaku tidak terkabul

Padahal itu bukti cinta Mu kepadaku
Jika saja aku bisa selalu ingat, bahwa yang kupinta dari Mu
Adalah yang terbaik..menurut Mu, bukan menurutku..

Nb: Agar senantiasa berhusnudzan kepada Nya

24 September 2009

Where Does My Heartbeat Now

So much to believe in - We were lost in time
Everything I needed
I feel in your eyes
Always thought of keeping -
Your heart next to mine
But now that seems so far away
Don't know how love could leave
Without a trace
Where do silent hearts go?

Where does my heart beat now
Where is the sound
That only echoes through the night
Where does my heart beat now
I can't live without
Without feeling it inside
Where do all the lonely hearts go

Candle in the water - Drifting helplessly
Hiding from the thunder-
Come and rescue me
Driven by hunger -
Of the endless dream

I'm searching for the hand that I can hold
I'm reaching for the arms that let me know
Where do silent hearts go?

Where does my heart beat now
Where is the sound
That only echoes through the night
Where does my heart beat now
I can't live without
Without feeling it inside
Where do all the lonely hearts go
Where do all the lonely hearts go

Then one touch overcomes the silence
Love still survives
Two hearts needing one another
Give me wings to fly

Where does my heart beat now
Where is the sound
That only echoes through the night
Where does my heart beat now
I can't live without
Without feeling it inside

I've got someone to give my heart to
Feel it getting stronger and stronger
And stronger
And I feel inside

Hearts are made to last
Till the end of time

denger lagu ini juga..hehe

This is The Last Time, by Keane

This is the last time
That I will say these words
I remember the first time
The first of many lies
Sweep it into the corner
Or hide it under the bed
Say these things they go away
But they never do
Something I wasn't sure of
But I was in the middle of
Something I forget now
But I've seen too little of

The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last line
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I no I don't mind

This is the last time
That I will show my face
One last tender lie
And then I'm out of this place
So tread it into the carpet
Or hide it under the stairs
Say that some things never die
Well I tried and I tried

Something I wasn't sure of
But I was in the middle of
Something I forget now
But I've seen too little of

The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last line
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I no I don't mind

The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last line
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I know I don't mind

lagi denger lagu ini...

23 September 2009

don't you dare...

Saya bener bener ga suka ngerasain ini lagi...udah ngingetin diri berkali kali, jangan berani berani berharap...ntar hasilnya kecewa..
Rese nih rese..saya kira benteng saya cukup tangguh,,ternyata,,saya cuma wanita biasa,,(emangnya dulu luar biasa ya?hehe)..
Sekali lagi doa saya dikabulkan oleh-Nya..